Slide film materials in Too Much Information Series are scanned mechanically overlapping each other, up to 9-10 layers, until the scanner can’t fit any more slides. During the process the scanner starting to be confused, not knowing on what to focus and it inventing its own colors (no photoshop used). Those digital prints are inspired by repetitive gestures of Warhol’s silk screens. Warhol ran the process till screens had no paint, therefore the images got more and more washed out. What happening here is the opposite: slides layered on top of each other until the image is almost gone, until it turns into blackness. The images are disappearing not because it is not enough “paint”/information, but because it is Too Much Information, too many layers of information & memories. The process runs in the similar manner our own memory works — if we do not remember something, it doesn’t mean those memories don’t exist, they are just hidden behind each other.